Ladd IL:  Traqnology announces North American distribution of its iPad driven GPS Autosteering & Line Marking product, SportsTraq.  This is the first system of its kind, developed for the Athletic Field market with scalability and high productivity in its design.  Because SportsTraq is backed by North America’s largest RTK GPS network, we can offer Traqnology customers 1 CM repeatable accuracy with no need for portable base stations.

Because of SportsTraq’s innovation of being able to universally fit to any UTV, utility tractor, or garden tractor combined with an iPad interface, SportsTraq is a first for the industry.  Users can line fields all day using a high capacity paint skid utilizing a high-pressure spray system.  Line marking a professional size soccer field can be accomplished in under 20 minutes and transporting between fields is fast.  This is all possible because SportsTraq Autosteer system drives the vehicle with centimeter accuracy while controlling the paint system.

SportsTraq offers its users even more!  Move 3 base components, it can can mow your athletic field, map your aerification holes, and auto-steer your fertilizer applications.  Traqnology has developed SportsTraq to offer GPS guided solutions that allow the Athletic Field Manager to ensure quality work.  Perfect lines, perfect stripes, more efficiency, and happy employees!  

About Traqnology

Veterans of Agricultural GPS founded Traqnology in Denmark by in 2017. Traqnology is changing the face of athletic field maintenance in Europe. They have now partnered with pioneering agriculture GPS network entrepreneurs in order to form the North American distribution under a new Illinois company, Traqnology North America.  Traqnology North America will offer industry leading technical support and GPS knowledge. 


For sales and demonstrations call 815.894.3494 or email


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